Work without a Work Permit

You may be eligible to come to Canada without obtaining a work permit

There are certain instances where foreign workers may enter Canada without the need for a work permit. These individuals will not be entering the Canadian Labour Market. However, it is important to address whether a Temporary Resident Visa is still required.

You can work without a work permit if:

  • you are a business visitor who intends to come to Canada for business activities that will not take place in the Canadian Labour Market
  • you are recognized by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
  • you are a member of the Clergy
  • you are an inspector for flight operations
  • you are in charge of conventions or meetings without having hands on experience
  • you are a crew member that is not registered in Canada and that is engaged in transportation and operation of vehicles
  • you are an emergency service provider for natural and/or industrial disasters
  • you are a family member of a foreign representative in Canada who is recognized by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
  • you are an expert witness or investigator
  • you are a judge or referee for competitions
  • you are a member of the military, coming under the Visiting Forces Act
  • you are a foreign health care student doing clinical internship or work for the primary purpose of acquiring training
  • you are a news reporter, part of a film or media crew
  • you are a performing artists who will perform for a limited period of time
  • you are a guest/seminar speaker at an event no longer than five days
  • you are a foreign athlete or coach
  • you are a full time student who is working on campus. See our Student Page for more information

Want to know more?

We can help you with this and anything else regarding your move to Canada. To start your tailored and confidential consultation, call Matthew on 1-888-508-5308 or 1-604-722-8930 or email him.